This month, OnePlus launched their new OnePlus 7T series in Europe. As an additional service, OnePlus offers to their European customers the possibility to purchase additional insurance through one of the OnePlus Protection Plans.
The Protection Plans for the OnePlus 7T series in Europe are offered by Aftersales Group in partnership with Servify Europe.
Aftersales Group is responsible for the underwriting, distribution and administration of the OnePlus Protection Plans in 25 European countries whilst Servify will take care of the claims assessment and fulfilment services.
The key differentiator of the new OnePlus Protection Plans is the partial integration between the insurance services that are offered by Aftersales Group and the OnePlus Care app that is powered by Servify.
The OnePlus Care App enables OnePlus device owners to connect with the Brand Authorised Service Centers, self-diagnose their smartphones and avail pickup-drop services in case of a need to repair their OnePlus devices. By partially integrating the insurances services with the OnePlus Care App (and Servify’s aftersales services in the back-end), the OnePlus Protection Plan combine robust insurance cover with a hassle free service.